Welcome to 2018!! It’s getting real now, registration information drops in a couple of weeks, and then time will fly until we are back on the mountain. If you’re a Leader hopefully you are well on your way to meeting your clubs requirements and doing lots of great work in your YMCA.
If you’re an advisor, hopefully you are ready to help the Leaders set BRLS class schedule to help them grow and return to the Y stronger in Spirit, Mind and Body. If you have not yet set your club up on *MobileServe reach out to Amanda Jaehnen soon and begin benefiting from all aspects of this amazing software. If you are not sure how to start, read THIS from a fellow club advisor, Ben Pruitt of the Chapel Hill Leaders Club.
And to keep up with using this space to share news about the upcoming school, I am excited to announce that after the scheduling conflicts of last year… KARAOKE IS COMING BACK!!!
As we begin the registration process in a few weeks, please watch the website and the Facebook page for release information and any updates!
Greg Hall
YMCA Blue Ridge Leaders’ School
*Correction from last Express. If you’re having any issues with MobileServe contact Amanda Jaehnen before you directly reach out to MobileServe.