About Blue Ridge Leaders' School
Since its creation in 1922 Blue Ridge Leaders’ School has retained its basic philosophy of training teens to be leaders in all aspects of YMCA physical education. The purpose of Blue Ridge Leaders’ School is teen leadership development through YMCA health and physical education. Blue Ridge Leaders’ School is not a camp. Rather it is a physical education training school profoundly structured with high standards of Behavior, Physical Participation, and Individual Performance.
The school is primarily focused on the leader division enrollees who are teens ages 13-18 as of May 31 who are active members of their local Leaders’ Club. Additional opportunities for growth are available to the senior division enrollees who are adults age 19 and up (as of May 31) who are actively enrolled in their local Leaders’ Club program and/or in the physical education department at their local YMCA.
The mission of Blue Ridge Leaders’ School is to provide youth and adults training in the principles and philosophy of YMCA physical education for the purpose of:
- developing teaching and performance skills
- building self esteem and leadership qualities
- enhancing leadership training in the local association
- strengthening and demonstrating traditional Christian values that foster the essential unity of spirit, mind and body for all
Meet the BRLS School Leadership Team