HI! My name is Samad, from Brace Family YMCA (Shoutout Mike Jones <3) I’m going to apologize in advance I am terrible at writing these intro things. I like to read, talk about really anything, take long walks with either friends or wayyyyy too loud music. Also messing around with nature photos in Lightroom because cameras are very cool 😀
What is your favorite BRLS story, memory, or experience?
Friday night this past year, my group and I realized that we all had probably 20 of those little hand sanitizer bottles left over so we ended up getting the entire hallway of people in Blue Ridge Center to bring out their hand sanitizer and spent a good hour or so trying to build a big hand sanitizer pyramid (the anti-covid tower) while Olivia Rodrigo was blasting from a speaker. Just a good time all around.
What is your favorite Leaders’ Club story, memory, or experience?
Ahhh that’s hard, one of them is definitely is Trunk or Treat, it’s always a good time but in 2019 a group of us all dressed up as the Joker and spent half the evening running the haunted house that was set up in one of the buses.
What are you most looking forward to for BRLS this year?
FRIENDS! PRETTY SUNSETS AND GOOD TIMES!!!! Also morning Devos and Vespers 🙂
If you could give your 1st year self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Push your boundaries more, change is fun even if its scary. Literally just vibe its ok
Tell us a fun fact about anything!!
There’s a tree that owns itself because this dude in like 1900 decided to leave the deed to the land the tree was on to the tree itself when he died.