Enrollment Process
Thanks to the hard work of your Blue Ridge Leaders’ School Registrar Brianne Pietronicco, the BRLS’ 18 Registration Forms have been shared with the masses. There are not enough ways to thank Brianne for the amount of time and energy she devotes to the school each year. Brianne, please accept the beginning of this article as one of many deserved Thank Yous.In preparing for the school, please view the preparation and enrollment process as one would a school versus a camp. Being clear with the Leaders and their parents about BRLSnot being a camp will also set the foundation for solid communication of expectations for a successful experience.
At this time many clubs are in the process of completing the enrollment forms if they have not already completed them. Since the registration packet cannot be postmarked prior to March 6th, everyone is still in possession of their clubs forms. That being said, everyone has the opportunity to check and double check their work.
Below are a few best practices as well as required reminders that are helpful for advisors as they are assisting the Leaders with their class choices and preparing enrollment forms. The items below are the ones that have been time consuming errors or omissions that have held up registration historically. This article is not a replacement for reading the School Enrollment and Operations Guide nor the required advisor webinar.
- No matter if this is the advisor’s first year or fiftieth year; read the School Enrollment and Operations Guide. This is a school and as a school we are evolving and progressing every year. There are changes every year.
- First year Leaders have to take the same classes. Give your club members an opportunity to meet new people. Try to avoid giving your leaders the same classes each period.
- Many first year classes are divided into subgroups or families but not all. By spreading out their schedules, they are able to make new friends in classes that may not form subgroups.
- After the first year, Leadership classes are based on the Leader’s age as of May 31st.
- Parent initial that advisor is aware of any medications on registration form. Initial even if the Leader is not currently taking any meds as the situation may change by the start of the school.
- Forms must be copied front and back on white paper and registration is not complete without completion of the excel roster.
- Make copies of all forms before mailing! It is important for the advisor to have a copy of what was submitted.
Please reach out with any questions. The Leadership Team is here to serve. We look forward to another amazing school and seeing the hundreds of new faces on the mountain.In Spirit, Mind and Body,
Ryan Graham