Club Development – March 2020

Communication is KEY in Leaders Club! We have so many things to keep track of; hours, volunteer opportunities, phone numbers, meetings and so much more. Our club is currently using the Remind app to communicate and track schedules. On the remind app, you can attach files, create announcements and take polls! If you think your [...]

2020-03-11T20:06:53+00:00Categories: Club Development|

Club Recognition Update – Spring 2019

Much like the evolution of registration this year, the Club Recognition process has been positively impacted by the hard work of our website design team. Club recognition paperwork can be up uploaded in the same manner as registration did in March; Thank you to the Clubs that are applying for Level Four recognition by [...]

2019-06-09T16:35:36+00:00Categories: Club Development|

Club Development – March 2019

Rallies! A huge shout out to the clubs and associations that have hosted rallies and multi-club training sessions since we last gathered on the mountain in June. Thank you for all the hard work and planning that goes into hosting such events. The Spring Rally season is upon us now and there are a [...]

2019-04-21T17:14:23+00:00Categories: Club Development|

Club Development – Winter 2018/19

Club Recognition Update The roll out of the new club recognition has resulted in a great deal of energy and excitement regarding the amazing work that is being accomplished at the home YMCAs. The excitement of raising the bar has caused us to pump the brakes some as we are trying to align data [...]

2019-04-14T20:08:34+00:00Categories: Club Development|

Club Development – November 2018

Advice From a Fellow Club Officer Hello all! My name is Marc Weinstein and my transition from club member to officer was a rather difficult one. My first year in club was the first year that my YMCA (South Tampa) had a Leaders’ Club, and as part of the first group I had [...]

2019-04-14T19:53:51+00:00Categories: Club Development|

Club Development – October 2018

Club Officers By now everyone is back to school, the new club officers have taken office, and new recruits are being introduced to the Leaders’ Club family.  As we embark on the new school year; Club Recognition and the transfer of officer leadership are our topics for this issue of the newsletter. In regards [...]

2019-04-14T19:50:37+00:00Categories: Club Development|

Club Development – May/June 2018

Club Recognition First of all, thank you to those who applied for club recognition.  We had another record number of applicants.  The year long dedication to YMCA service and leadership at the home YMCAs can be seen in the supporting documentation shared each year.  With a new year on the horizon, it is time to [...]

2018-06-10T17:07:54+00:00Categories: Club Development|

Club Development – April 2018

Club Recognition The calls, text and emails regarding club recognition are picking up.  Club recognition supporting documentation is being gathered by club officers and teen directors across the South.  The thought of photocopying old agendas and rosters is making many sick to their tummies.  Budgets are being stretched because tens of dollars are being spent [...]

2018-05-20T18:53:51+00:00Categories: Club Development|

Club Development – March 2018

March Madness Registrations are in and the anticipation of BRLS 2018 is in the air. Thanks to the veteran Leaders and YMCA staff at your home YMCA your club is already prepared for success on the mountain this year. Much like March Madness, the freshmen of six months ago have learned a great deal throughout [...]

2018-04-08T16:54:36+00:00Categories: Club Development|

Club Development – February 2018

Enrollment Process Thanks to the hard work of your Blue Ridge Leaders’ School Registrar Brianne Pietronicco, the BRLS’ 18 Registration Forms have been shared with the masses.  There are not enough ways to thank Brianne for the amount of time and energy she devotes to the school each year. Brianne, please accept the beginning of this [...]

2018-03-11T22:39:49+00:00Categories: Club Development|
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