Springtime greetings from colorful Asheville. The earth has fully awakened from the winter slumber and is growing and blooming quickly. The pace around BRLS is quickening as well. Counselors are being named, staff are finalizing class plans and the Honor Leaders are working on their Vespers/Devotions.
As we close the few remaining weeks, here are a few items to keep in mind:
Fitness assessments will be all new this year. Focus until then on all aspects of your training. It will be rewarded.
If you haven’t seen the HL’s video on Facebook yet…the dance theme is HOLIDAYS. So feel free to dress in honor of your favorite holiday. Sky’s the limit (National Look Up at the Sky Day was April 14)!
Speaking of festive garb….. the only acceptable clothing for the remaining days of BRLS is modest, proper fitting athletic wear. If you are unsure what to wear, check with your advisor.
Remember that all first year attendees are to be in Heaton Hall at 3:00PM on the opening Saturday. And that registration opens at 12:00—sharp.
The club recognition program is getting revamped and some exciting changes are going to be announced this year. Have you submitted your clubs application yet? Those are due to Ryan Graham by May 14th.
To the BRLS staff a reminder-the all staff meeting begins in Heaton Hall at 1:30PM with all 1st year staff required to be there for a pre-meeting at 1:00PM. (if you have not been on staff in more than 3 years, attend the 1:00)
And in closing a big shout out to the more than 75 club advisors who have been attending webinars, responding to counselor inquires, double-checking enrollment forms and stepping up in new ways in the Senior Leader division of the school!!!
Less than six weeks until we are all together again to write the next chapter in the amazing story that is the YMCA Blue Ridge Leaders’ School.
Greg Hall
YMCA Blue Ridge Leaders’ School