BRLS 2022 Theme Reveal
Dear BRLS family, I recently received a wonderful email from Riley Moffitt, a Leader from the Midlothian YMCA Leaders Club. She was writing as the point person for the collective 6th year leaders currently attending the school. They have used virtual meetings to stay connected and discuss their Club/BRLS shared journey. At the end [...]
We are excited to announce that Club Recognition has evolved to Club Administration moving forward. The Club Levels traditionally have been a great way to recognize the Leaders' Club work taking place at the home YMCA. As the Leaders' Club movement has continued to expand, it's become apparent that the foundational work at the home YMCAs is directly [...]
Do you remember your BRLS Counselors? Over and over again when we speak with alumni they fondly remember the counselor that led their group from year to year. This person sets the tone for the week, provides stability and humor during evening devotion, and helps Leaders grow as they make their way through the 6-year [...]
If you have attended BRLS in any role over the last 98 years, take a moment and reconnect today. Use this link to register now. Jessica James-Hill is leading this work and has some exciting plans for the coming months and years that will see many opportunities to meet up locally and on the mountain. [...]
The YMCA Blue Ridge Leaders School is continuing our partnership with the local clubs by securing access to MobileServe Volunteer service software for ALL CLUBS who attend the school. Effective in January of 2020 MobileServe is now a key component in club levels. Next year BRLS will also be moving towards minimum hour requirements to be [...]
We are thrilled to that the counselor selection process is complete and work has begun to prepare for the 2019 School! This is in the form of weekly assignments containing anything from articles to TED Talks to Redwoods Trainings will be used to fill their toolboxes and ensure everyone has a great week on the [...]
As Greg mentioned the School filled faster than ever before. We have a long wait list that we are working to move teens off of as space is available through drops. If you have anyone from your Club that has had a change and no longer is able to attend please contact me ASAP. We [...]
A few years ago when we adjusted the Fitness Assessment to focus on meeting Leaders where they are and to encourage continued improvement year over year, it was a significant change. We were hopeful that this approach would encourage Leaders and Advisors to take a positive approach to healthier living and to strive to be [...]
Being a counselor is about learning skills, developing character and making friends while leading peers to do the same. It is a wonderful opportunity for growth while at the same time challenging both mentally and physically. This year 200 teens have applied for approximately 80 counselor positions. The counselor selection process works to find qualified and dedicated teens to [...]