Happy New Years to everyone. I hope this newsletter finds you counting all the many blessings you have seen in 2017. Certainly being able to serve you as the Director of BRLS is at the top of my list.
Work on the 2018 school is well underway with numerous planning meetings/webinars/calls. After reviewing lots of feedback, the school continues to evolve and grow. One item that we think the Leaders will enjoy in 2018 is the option to view two sunrises from the steps of Eureka Hall. We will have the first morning (Sunday) and the final morning (Saturday) open if one chooses to rise early and join friends to take in all the glory of the sunrise.
In addition, we want to clubs to have access to some fun ideas to help build the Body side of the Spirit, Mind, Body triangle. Therefore, we have added a new page on our website dedicated to providing exercise videos filmed by our own BRLS fitness staff! We plan to add to this page so check back often!
In conclusion, as we move into 2018 we want to help tell the story of all that you do. If you are an advisor of a club that came to BRLS 2017, you should have received an email from the MobileServe team. The school has subscribed to the service for everyone. It is our hope that this website will allow us to gather the data and tell the story in new ways. We also hope to eventually integrate the club recognition program online to make application/submission easier for everyone. If you attended BRLS 2017 and did not get the welcome email, reach out to support@mobileserve.com. If you are a new club, contact me directly and I will help you get started.
With less than 96 days until the 2018 Masters golf tournament, Blue Ridge Leaders’ School can’t be that far behind (166 Days)!!!
Greg Hall
YMCA Blue Ridge Leaders’ School